
Gloria Heinitz

This scholarship, named after Gloria Heinitz who was a Registered Nurse for Melissa Memorial Hospital for almost 45 years, including her role as Director of Nursing. The first Gloria Heinitz scholarship was awarded in 2015. This scholarship is for $500 per year and can be awarded to student employees. The Gloria Heinitz scholarship is funded through the Legacy Event.
2024 Gloria Heinitz Scholarship Recipient: Sarah Bornhoft

Winona Rouze

The Winona Rouze Scholarship was created and funded by her family in 2011 in her memory. Winona Rouze was a nurse at Melissa Memorial Hospital for many years. The scholarship is for $500 per year.
2024-2025 Winona Rouze Scholarship Recipient: Isaiah Rueter
Isaiah Rueter will attend NJC pursuing a degree in Nursing / EMT.

MMH Foundation Legacy

This scholarship was developed by the Melissa Memorial Hospital Foundation Board of Directors in 2012. As of 2023, Melissa Memorial Hospital Foundation funds this scholarship at $1,000 per year. Typically, two students are selected to receive this scholarship. The MMHF Legacy Scholarship is funded through the Legacy Event.
2024-2025 MMHF Legacy Scholarship Recipients: Leslie Carrasco Brown & Jordyn Schluntz
Leslie Carrasco Brown will attend NJC pursuing a degree in Nursing.
Jordyn Schluntz will attend Fort Hays University in Kansas pursing a degree in Nursing.

Charla Berry

This scholarship was created in 2001, funded by Charla Berry’s sister. This scholarship is for $500 per year.
2024-2025 Charla Berry Scholarship Recipients: Elyce Sisseck & Chase Johnson
Elyce Sisseck will attend NJC pursuing a degree in Nursing.
Chase Johnson will attend NJC pursuing a degree in Clinical Psychology.

Stanley Willmon

This scholarship was created and funded in 2017 through memorials by Stanley Willmon’s friends and family, with the intention of supporting individuals who are interested in becoming Paramedics (this does not include EMS, it is only for paramedic training only). This scholarship is also funded through the annual EMS Golf Tournament.

Shirley Claymon

This scholarship was created and funded by her family in 2017. The scholarship is for $500 per year.
2024-2025 Shirley Claymon Scholarship Recipient: Yoselin Pena.
Yoselin Pena will attend NJC pursing a degree in Nursing.

Northeastern Colorado Community Foundation ‘Chapdelaine’

This scholarship was created to support individuals interested in becoming a physician serving our community.
Melissa Memorial Hospital Foundation refers to this scholarship as the ‘grow your own physician’ program

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